overt sign 1.71   It was the first overt sign,
  overt act 1.45   We are way past one overt act.
  overt discrimination 1.18   They faced overt discrimination, Southgate said.
  overt support 0.79   Rival Kurds were getting less overt support from Iran.
  overt racism 0.66   Sometimes there is overt racism, the students said.
  overt hostility 0.53   There was no overt hostility, no threat, no raised rifle.
  overt pressure 0.53   So far, Lebanon has been spared any overt U.S. pressure.
  overt sexuality 0.53   Overt sexuality, even pregnancy?
  overt threat 0.46   But in reality, overt threats were not necessary.
  overt activity 0.39   Overt physical activity is clearly not conducive to the running of a unit.
  overt display 0.39   And that includes overt displays of sexuality.
  overt reference 0.39   Her work is saturated with overt references to Jewish mysticism and religious scholarship.
  overt attempt 0.33   Even an overt attempt to prevent an inspection may not be enough to win approval for an armed response.
  overt criticism 0.33   The official EU statement on the crisis avoided overt criticism of the tactics adopted by the Israeli military.
  overt eroticism 0.33   As may well be imagined, there is little room within such conventions for anything approaching overt eroticism.
  overt action 0.26   Even if Clinton stops short of such overt action, he could still bring powerful pressure to bear.
  overt appeal 0.26   Without overt appeal to metaphor, the design projects a vision of taut, athletic bodies merging with or emerging from the sea.
  overt form 0.26   In its more subtle form it is as damaging as in its overt form.
  overt message 0.26   The staging is updated, but there is no overt message to the concept.
  overt movement 0.26   The moderate leadership denies it is making such overt movements.
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