outlook be 40.09   And the outlook is grim.
  outlook remain 7.50   The outlook remains unclear.
  outlook improve 3.23   The outlook improves Saturday night.
  outlook change 2.57   But the outlook has changed.
  outlook seem 1.25   The outlook seemed rosy.
  outlook appear 1.12   The outlook appears promising.
  outlook brighten 1.05   His outlook has brightened.
  outlook come 0.99   A more reassuring outlook came from the Apics Business outlook survey.
  outlook continue 0.79   The outlook continues to look bleak for the dollar.
  outlook become 0.72   The outlook became even more uncertain.
  outlook prompt 0.66   That outlook has also prompted Hyundai to cut costs.
  outlook lead 0.59   That outlook led Evans to limit his buying of mortgage bonds this month.
  outlook look 0.53   For now, though, the inflation outlook looks good.
  outlook send 0.53   The gloomy price outlook sent shares of Samsung Electronics falling sharply on Friday.
  outlook depend 0.46   The budget outlook depends, to some extent, on assumptions about the economy.
  outlook deteriorate 0.46   The outlook on unemployment deteriorated in September, Insee said.
  outlook grow 0.46   After the attacks, the outlook grew graver still.
  outlook have 0.46   But the outlook had to improve to encourage investment, it said.
  outlook help 0.46   The positive outlook helped computer-related shares rally.
  outlook reflect 0.46   The negative outlook reflects more severe business environment in Japan, the agency said.
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