outline plan 22.84   They listened as he outlined his plan.
  outline proposal 5.33   He hinted that he would outline his proposal soon.
  outline strategy 4.08   It quotes several documents outlining that strategy.
  outline step 3.36   Nunn outlines four steps on Bosnia.
  outline policy 3.29   Blair outlines policy to contain Saddam.
  outline view 2.96   Ciesielski has written to the commission outlining his views.
  outline case 2.90   Potts outlined the case against King.
  outline position 2.83   Indeed, he did not outline any position.
  outline vision 2.76   The President outlined his vision for the future.
  outline way 2.44   He outlines ways the agency will bolster homeland defense.
  outline goal 2.37   Advisor outlines foreign policy goals.
  outline series 2.37   Peres outlined a series of steps against Hamas.
  outline measure 2.17   It did not outline the measures to be used to remove the illegal dwellers.
  outline idea 2.11   Bush is expected to outline his ideas next week.
  outline detail 2.04   He said details will be outlined later.
  outline procedure 1.97   Plans must outline evacuation procedures.
  outline program 1.65   He outlines the program at kitchen tables.
  outline demand 1.58   He did, however, outline his demands.
  outline priority 1.58   He outlined his priorities for the troubled province.
  outline reason 1.58   But the letter also outlined broader reasons.
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