on top 1.84   Still on top.
  on one 1.65   On one of those tapes.
  on television 1.45   On television?
  on concern 1.38   Zinc has surged to a seven-year high on concern about a potential shortage of supply in coming years.
  on board 1.25   On boogie boards.
  on defense 1.18   On defense.
  on paper 1.05   On paper only.
  on display 0.92   On display.
  on behalf 0.86   On behalf of his family,
  on expectation 0.86   Corn prices jumped to a seven-year high, also on expectations for strong export demand.
  on stage 0.79   That was how he behaved day after day in rehearsal and night after night on stage.
  on weekend 0.79   Especially on weekends.
  on all 0.72   On all of our products.
  on speculation 0.72   Corn futures were slightly higher, partly on speculation the market had been oversold in recent trading.
  on time 0.72   Always on time.
  on day 0.66   Especially on days like today.
  on hold 0.59   Currently on hold.
  on offense 0.59   On offense, too.
  on vacation 0.59   On vacation?
  on bail 0.46   Tsiakouri was out on bail awaiting trial for murder.
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