offensive be 8.10   The charm offensive was on.
  offensive begin 7.31   The offensive began Tuesday.
  offensive continue 2.70   But the Israeli offensive continued.
  offensive appear 1.78   That offensive appears aimed at the town of Jajce.
  offensive come 1.65   The government offensive also comes amid renewed attacks by fundamentalist hardliners.
  offensive end 1.51   That offensive ended a year ago.
  offensive follow 0.99   The army offensives follow a lull in recent fighting.
  offensive stop 0.86   Last month, Clinton again warned that the offensive must stop.
  offensive fail 0.79   An opposition offensive Saturday failed to topple Dudayev.
  offensive tackle 0.59   A star offensive tackle in Tony Boselli.
  offensive take 0.59   But there was no mention as to when the offensives took place.
  offensive aim 0.53   The Croatian offensive aimed to isolate one of the four large chunks of territory held by Serb rebels.
  offensive bring 0.53   The Croatian offensive has brought tensions between Serbs and Croats to a new peak.
  offensive leave 0.53   The offensive has left the Russian military leadership in disarray.
  offensive line 0.53   Or a bad offensive line in need of overhaul?
  offensive shatter 0.53   The offensive shattered a four-month Bosnian cease-fire that started at the beginning of the year.
  offensive start 0.53   The renegade Muslim offensive started at midnight Tuesday.
  offensive cause 0.46   The offensive has caused heavy casualties.
  offensive force 0.46   The military offensive has forced thousands of Tamil civilians to flee Jaffna.
  offensive make 0.46   But the offensive is making slower progress than expected.
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