occurring hormone 1.45   Androstenedione supplements are made of a naturally occurring steroid hormone.
  occurring substance 1.25   Creatine is a naturally occurring substance in food.
  occurring bacterium 0.79   Naturally occurring bacteria essentially eat the trash.
  occurring protein 0.53   TPA is a naturally occurring protein that dissolves clots.
  occurring chemical 0.33   These changes are caused by fluctuating levels of serotonin, a naturally occurring chemical in the body.
  occurring gas 0.33   Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that escapes from underground rocks and soils.
  occurring compound 0.26   OH is a naturally occurring compound that helps clean many pollutants in the lower atmosphere.
  occurring metal 0.26   Mercury, a naturally occurring metal, is also released by burning trash or coal.
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