nurse injury 3.75   Alabama has two players nursing injuries.
  nurse wound 2.57   Nursing the wounds that nearly cost him his life.
  nurse baby 1.97   It is time to nurse her baby.
  nurse supervisor 1.12   He died at the Bridgeport Hospital, nursing supervisor Sally Dalton said.
  nurse mother 0.92   She nursed my mother, washed her and changed her diapers.
  nurse grudge 0.79   She nurses grudges both petty and grand against him.
  nurse child 0.72   The mother was unable to nurse the child.
  nurse cold 0.72   Faithfull was nursing a cold during the interview.
  nurse infant 0.72   It was a picture of a farm woman nursing her infant in the field.
  nurse ambition 0.59   Vallone is known to be nursing gubernatorial ambitions.
  nurse beer 0.53   Inside, Australian Tony Glenister nursed a beer and watched the show outside.
  nurse hangover 0.53   She never wrote drunk, but she has written nursing a hangover.
  nurse home 0.53   Integrated plans to convert the LPIMC nursing homes to subacute centers, he said.
  nurse newborn 0.53   Schiff, phone in hand, nursing the newborn, takes a pass.
  nurse son 0.46   Irizarry nursed her son back to health.
  nurse back 0.39   Nursing the back, he had been out almost a month.
  nurse cup 0.39   He sits at a table in a hotel suite, nursing a cup of coffee.
  nurse calf 0.33   Mothers nurse the calves for about a year.
  nurse care 0.33   The Supreme Court allowed continued federal funding for Christian Science nursing care Monday.
  nurse director 0.33   Sharon Wade, nursing director at the Huntsville hospital, said sick individuals began arriving at the hospital late Tuesday.
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