nurse be 10.01   Nurses are busy.
  nurse say 7.18   What did the nurse say about that?
  nurse have 2.96   So has the nurse.
  nurse come 2.63   The nurse comes every second day.
  nurse tell 2.11   A nurse told me that the patient was down the hall.
  nurse give 2.04   The nurse gave him an injection.
  nurse take 1.91   The nurse took my temperature.
  nurse go 1.38   And the nurses goes Ooh!
  nurse ask 1.32   A nurse asked him to squeeze her hand.
  nurse find 1.12   But at noon, the ward nurse found her nearly comatose.
  nurse call 1.05   The nurse called my name.
  nurse visit 0.92   Nurses visit him daily, Price said.
  nurse work 0.86   Nurses often work long hours for low pay.
  nurse bring 0.79   A nurse brought them videos.
  nurse help 0.79   A nurse helps him into his gown and gloves.
  nurse leave 0.79   The nurse left and returned moments later.
  nurse confess 0.72   SPA said last week the nurses had confessed to the slaying of Gilford, and re-enacted it.
  nurse make 0.66   Nurses make us feel better.
  nurse try 0.66   The nurse tries to shoo him away.
  nurse use 0.66   One officer disdained the bandanas that nurses used to hold back their hair.
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