nominate candidate 7.77   Instead, it nominated four candidates.
  nominate member 2.24   Two members are nominated.
  nominate film 1.45   Neither film was nominated for Best Picture.
  nominate successor 1.18   He has not nominated a successor.
  nominate woman 0.86   Since then, other Russian parties have seen fit to nominate more women.
  nominate leader 0.79   The Communist Party nominated its leader, Gennady Zyuganov, for president Thursday.
  nominate director 0.66   Directors nominate directors, actors nominate actors, etc.
  nominate movie 0.66   Movie was nominated for Best Picture.
  nominate president 0.66   One is to nominate the president in waiting.
  nominate man 0.59   The White House had already nominated a man.
  nominate people 0.59   Nominate people who are sure to deadlock.
  nominate replacement 0.59   Clinton has yet to nominate replacements.
  nominate judge 0.46   He said Bush retains the authority to nominate judges he deems fit.
  nominate minister 0.46   Lukanov had yet to nominate ministers for three portfolios.
  nominate official 0.46   At the Interior Department, five officials have been nominated, and one appointee has been announced.
  nominate representative 0.46   Each country will nominate representatives.
  nominate black 0.39   No blacks were nominated in major categories this year.
  nominate conservative 0.39   If a Supreme Court justice retires or dies, Bush would likely nominate a conservative who might favor overturning Roe v. Wade.
  nominate diplomat 0.39   President Clinton said Monday he planned to nominate career diplomat John K. Menzies as ambassador to Bosnia.
  nominate head 0.39   Baath Party apparatchiks wonder where their money will come from if they can no longer nominate the heads of industry.
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