negative for 14.15   Everything is negative for us.
  negative about 4.08   They were very negative about it.
  negative in 2.90   We were just too negative in possession.
  negative on 2.44   He was real negative on that.
  negative to 0.72   Reviews were negative to lukewarm.
  negative after 0.53   Broader stock indicators also turned negative after a mixed start.
  negative as 0.53   But Forbes campaign is not nearly as negative as four years ago.
  negative toward 0.53   They are far more negative toward House Speaker Newt Gingrich, with whom Weld has co-written a book.
  negative at 0.46   That is why Dole is going negative at the end.
  negative than 0.46   If tactics had changed, they appeared more negative than positive.
  negative towards 0.46   Last year at this time, the sentiment on Capitol Hill was considerably more negative towards Mexico.
  negative with 0.46   Broader measures turned negative with bonds, surrendering some modest gains.
  negative during 0.26   Not that everything was negative during the last six months.
  negative from 0.26   But other calls are negative from the start.
  negative of 0.26   The second O.J. verdict was an important moment, an eerie photo negative of the first verdict.
  negative without 0.26   Dole has to go negative without seeming negative, a neat trick.
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