navy say 6.65   Two navy men were wounded, the navy said.
  navy be 3.36   The US navy was to hand over the crewmen.
  navy have 2.90   Navy has momentum on its side.
  navy plan 1.18   The navy planned to make one more attempt.
  navy seize 1.18   The Sri Lankan navy seized three Tamil Tiger rebel boats carrying weapons last month.
  navy intercept 0.99   The French navy also intercepted nine Greenpeace inflatable rafts.
  navy use 0.92   The navy is now using two Argentine submarines.
  navy send 0.86   The British navy sent out relief expeditions.
  navy begin 0.79   Australian navy begins unloading Afghan refugees on Nauru.
  navy launch 0.72   The spokesman said the navy had launched an inquiry.
  navy patrol 0.72   The Israeli navy patrols the shoreline.
  navy hold 0.66   Navy Holds Bomb Exercise in Fla.
  navy make 0.66   Navy made that point early.
  navy destroy 0.59   The navy destroyed four rebel boats, Karunaratne said.
  navy fire 0.59   The navy fired back and chased them.
  navy conduct 0.53   The Indonesian navy conducted an anti-piracy drill aboard the MV Pioneer recently.
  navy confirm 0.53   However, the navy could not confirm any casualties.
  navy deny 0.53   The navy denied Echaiz ever met with Montesinos.
  navy lose 0.53   Navy lost the ball twice.
  navy release 0.53   The navy did not release their names or where they were from.
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