national be 5.00   No other foreign nationals were with them.
  national leave 0.92   Germany and Denmark also called on their nationals to leave the country.
  national die 0.72   In addition, two Lebanese nationals died when looters shot them.
  national have 0.66   The British national has substantial U.N. experience.
  national say 0.59   A Greek national said he had not located his brother among the survivors.
  national live 0.39   Around two million Turkish nationals live in Germany.
  national need 0.39   Nationals will not need to show a passport.
  national police 0.39   However, national police chief Roberto Lastimoso later relieved Ulama also for the attack.
  national remain 0.39   Another Chinese national remained missing Thursday.
  national team 0.39   He played or the Italian national team and coached on three continents.
  national buy 0.33   Currently, Taiwan nationals can buy only mutual funds, sovereign bonds and stocks.
  national enter 0.33   Arab nationals could previously enter Libya without a visa.
  national make 0.33   National made its latest announcement after the close of the market Thursday.
  national work 0.33   It will also allow nationals to work as pilots and engineers.
  national become 0.26   It has proposed relaxing citizenship laws to make it easier for foreign nationals to become Germans.
  national bring 0.26   A foreign national may also bring a personal car that does not meet the standards here, for no more than a year.
  national fight 0.26   He also refuted allegations that Pakistani nationals were fighting in Taliban ranks.
  national get 0.26   Individual countries fight hard to make sure their nationals get a share of the top, high-paying jobs.
  national suffer 0.26   In London and Paris, British and French officials said their nationals had suffered no casualties.
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