mystery writer 5.07   Mystery writer Rex Stout.
  mystery novel 4.41   Stretch out with a mystery novel.
  mystery man 4.28   The mystery man?
  mystery shopper 2.04   Who makes a good mystery shopper?
  mystery story 1.84   I read mystery stories.
  mystery illness 1.18   Doctors in Bosnia are baffled by the mystery illness.
  mystery woman 1.18   To this day, she is the mystery woman.
  mystery series 1.05   Her murder mystery series is just plain fun.
  mystery guest 0.86   No mystery guest.
  mystery virus 0.86   A mystery virus is contaminating blood supplies throughout the world.
  mystery meat 0.66   Mystery meat is gone.
  mystery novelist 0.66   Soon the vain actress and gruff mystery novelist are making other noises.
  mystery tour 0.66   Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
  mystery fiction 0.59   Mystery fiction is only one of many literary forms.
  mystery object 0.59   This was how the new mystery object showed up.
  mystery buyer 0.53   Levitan did not reveal that identity of the mystery buyer.
  mystery ship 0.53   Japan boats dispatched in search for another mystery ship,
  mystery book 0.46   He confessed that he was addicted to mystery books and thrillers.
  mystery disease 0.46   Indian Health Minister C.P.Thakur on Tuesday confirmed that a mystery disease which has claimed four lives in north India was plague.
  mystery set 0.46   Alexie is writing a murder mystery set in Seattle, where he now lives.
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