muzzle press 2.90   And the press is also muzzled.
  muzzle medium 1.45   Censorship muzzled the media.
  muzzle critic 0.59   Reporters and opposition parties call it an effort by the government to muzzle critics.
  muzzle opponent 0.59   But he could not replace Suharto, a wily autocrat who has spent three decades muzzling would-be opponents.
  muzzle opposition 0.59   Human rights groups accuse him of muzzling the opposition.
  muzzle dissent 0.46   But at home, critics charge, corruption was growing and Mugabe was working to muzzle all dissent.
  muzzle criticism 0.33   Critics said the government was using the tax probe to muzzle media criticism.
  muzzle newspaper 0.26   The authorities have muzzled newspapers that failed to toe the party line and have intensified efforts to stifle dissent on the Internet.
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