mountain be 14.29   The mountain is full.
  mountain surround 1.78   We are surrounded by mountains.
  mountain have 1.65   All mountains have scars.
  mountain rise 0.99   Mountains rose steeply on all sides.
  mountain bike 0.92   Or mountain biking.
  mountain provide 0.79   The mountain even provides a challenge to cross-country skiers.
  mountain climb 0.72   Despite his stage win the upcoming mountain climbs worried Hamilton.
  mountain come 0.66   The mountains were just coming into view.
  mountain erupt 0.66   It has been closed twice since the mountain erupted two weeks ago.
  mountain loom 0.66   The mountain loomed in front of us.
  mountain ring 0.66   The Heber Valley is a pastoral spot ringed by mountains.
  mountain become 0.53   In recent years, mountain biking has become more mainstream.
  mountain make 0.46   And the ubiquitous mountains make an imposing backdrop.
  mountain seem 0.46   Yet the mountain never seems to get very crowded.
  mountain look 0.39   The mountains look beautiful in midwinter.
  mountain pass 0.39   Nearly all the lesser mountain passes are closed.
  mountain cover 0.33   The mountain covers about the size of a baseball diamond.
  mountain influence 0.26   The instability will be enhanced by daytime heating and mountain influences later today to generate widely scattered to scattered showers and isolated afternoon thunderstorms.
  mountain lie 0.26   The most accepted theory today is that billions of years ago, the mountains probably lay under the sea.
  mountain offer 0.26   The mountains offer hiking and fishing.
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