mood be 59.38   And there are moods.
  mood change 5.60   Her mood changed.
  mood turn 2.90   Then, the mood turned bitter.
  mood seem 2.63   But the mood never seemed right.
  mood shift 2.37   The mood has shifted.
  mood remain 1.58   But mood remains defiant.
  mood swing 1.51   Mood swings.
  mood improve 1.38   Their mood improves.
  mood darken 1.25   His mood darkened.
  mood grow 1.18   The mood grew ominous.
  mood prevail 1.18   But a B-flat mood prevailed.
  mood strike 0.92   Apparently, the mood has struck Rodman again.
  mood take 0.79   When the mood takes her.
  mood sour 0.72   Their mood has soured.
  mood become 0.66   Their mood could become angry and antagonistic.
  mood brighten 0.59   And the mood is brightening.
  mood lift 0.59   When it was over, the mood lifted.
  mood begin 0.53   But lately the mood has begun to brighten.
  mood continue 0.53   The holiday mood continues, dealers said.
  mood have 0.53   Yet somehow, the mood has.
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