moisture be 5.86   Moisture is another factor.
  moisture cause 1.45   Moisture caused the wallpaper to wrinkle and peel.
  moisture come 0.79   The moisture is coming from the fuel.
  moisture condense 0.72   When moisture condenses on them, they do not rust.
  moisture evaporate 0.72   That way moisture can evaporate from the cooking mixture.
  moisture continue 0.59   Tropical moisture will continue to interact with a stationary front over Florida.
  moisture increase 0.59   Moisture will increase as winds shift more to the south to southeast through tonight.
  moisture combine 0.53   The moisture has combined with the jet stream to produce unstable local atmospheric conditions.
  moisture get 0.53   Now, moisture gets into the ducts and drips out of the ceiling vents.
  moisture penetrate 0.53   Excessive moisture can penetrate the wood, causing rot and decay.
  moisture stream 0.53   Moisture will stream northward from the western Gulf of Mexico into the Mississippi Valley.
  moisture help 0.46   The extra moisture should help the fast bowlers early on.
  moisture remain 0.46   Low level moisture remains moderate across the local islands Tuesday morning.
  moisture bring 0.39   Tropical moisture also brought heavy rain to Florida and parts of Georgia.
  moisture circulate 0.39   Moisture will circulate into Nevada and southern California with scattered showers in the lower deserts.
  moisture make 0.39   And in one sense, the damp moisture made things a little easier for the players.
  moisture arrive 0.33   Meanwhile, showers will brush the Northwest coast as moisture arrives from the Pacific.
  moisture encourage 0.33   Lantana blooms on new growth, and the moisture will encourage this.
  moisture move 0.33   This will allow more atlantic moisture to move westward and across our islands.
  moisture seep 0.33   Moisture had seeped into the very pores of the building, badly weakening the structure.
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