modernize military 2.50   Needs to modernize military.
  modernize economy 2.24   The country was taking steps to modernize its economy.
  modernize equipment 1.58   It spent millions to modernize election equipment and ensure fraud-free balloting.
  modernize system 1.32   Our long-range answer, clearly, is modernizing the system.
  modernize fleet 1.12   The company has even begun modernizing its fleet.
  modernize army 0.92   President Yoweri Musevni has pledged to modernize the army.
  modernize law 0.86   But the idea fell out of fashion until the law was modernized a decade ago.
  modernize plant 0.86   He modernized the plant.
  modernize force 0.79   And it would do nothing to address the question of how to modernize the force.
  modernize country 0.66   He also pushed for modernizing his country.
  modernize facility 0.66   This was an important step towards a national health service, though in practice few authorities did much to modernize their facilities.
  modernize operation 0.66   The national police force also modernized its operations.
  modernize agriculture 0.59   If, as many expect, Mexico invests heavily in modernizing agriculture, the figure could be much higher.
  modernize industry 0.59   Much of EU contributions aimed at modernizing those industries was misspent.
  modernize school 0.53   Included were increases for hiring teachers, modernizing schools and operating after-school centers.
  modernize weapon 0.53   The increase will be used in part to improve the quality of life for the troops and to modernize weapons.
  modernize arsenal 0.46   The steep budget cuts in recent years have left the Russian armed forces unable to modernize their arsenals.
  modernize factory 0.39   They stubbornly resisted all attempts to modernize the factory.
  modernize network 0.39   It has been expanding and modernizing that network ever since.
  modernize production 0.39   Brongniart modernized production by refining the formula for porcelain.
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