moderate demand 1.38   The students moderated their demands.
  moderate position 1.32   Moderated my positions?
  moderate view 1.18   But not all of the extremists have moderated their views.
  moderate discussion 0.86   Mike Wise, who reports on the NBA for The Times, moderated the discussion.
  moderate growth 0.79   Analysts said businesses are moderating inventory growth as consumer spending slows.
  moderate criticism 0.72   Now she moderates her criticism.
  moderate debate 0.72   He moderated the debates four years ago.
  moderate stance 0.72   He has since moderated his stance.
  moderate behavior 0.66   Their behavior is not moderated in any away.
  moderate tone 0.66   Helms also has moderated his tone this year.
  moderate policy 0.59   Obviously I would like them to moderate their policies.
  moderate image 0.46   Even the communists have realized that, and tried to moderate their image.
  moderate injury 0.46   The army said the soldiers had slight to moderate injuries.
  moderate increase 0.39   Tuition increases are being moderated.
  moderate decline 0.33   But it could moderate their declines and buy time for adjustments.
  moderate language 0.33   We had to ask Joan to moderate her language in front of the kids.
  moderate panel 0.33   Senior FTC staffers moderated the panels during the two-day conference.
  moderate price 0.33   The growing supply then moderates prices.
  moderate rhetoric 0.33   Since taking power, he has moderated his rhetoric.
  moderate session 0.33   Carol Willis, director of the Skyscraper Museum, moderated the session.
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