minute opening 1.78   Sloppy, nervous play marked the opening minutes.
  minute few 1.51   And it only takes a few minutes for them to open.
  minute more 1.25   At that moment, a Miami mediator asked for five more minutes.
  minute five 0.79   The drive takes maybe five minutes.
  minute three 0.66   They had perhaps three minutes for their task.
  minute four 0.53   The entire episode took maybe four minutes.
  minute penalty 0.53   Both also picked up penalty minutes.
  minute quality 0.53   You have to try to have quality minutes.
  minute meeting 0.46   That request is scaled back from one made in July that sought meeting minutes and notes.
  minute first 0.26   The first minutes of it are the most severe.
  minute pass 0.26   Minutes pass, then something startles her.
  minute right 0.26   Who is advising the chapter right this minute?
  minute tick 0.26   World watches as minutes tick down on Tucker.
  minute two 0.26   His hearing had taken perhaps two minutes.
  minute water 0.26   Let the pieces of cod stay in the water a few minutes while it is still quivering.
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