minute detail 4.74   Every minute detail.
  minute amount 3.55   You only need a minute amount.
  minute lead 1.91   Marchanno Schultz had given visiting De Graafschap a fourth minute lead.
  minute particle 1.38   There were minute particles of dust in the air.
  minute trace 1.12   They found minute traces of poison in his body.
  minute mark 0.99   They clinched past the minute mark.
  minute goal 0.79   Barcelona clinched their win thanks to an eighth minute goal by Roger.
  minute penalty 0.79   Eric Cantona fired home a sixth minute penalty after Nicky Summerbee upended Dennis Irwin.
  minute quantity 0.79   The rock contains minute quantities of copper.
  minute change 0.72   The equipment records minute changes in air pressure.
  minute difference 0.66   ...minute anatomical differences between insects.
  minute back 0.39   The chasing pack was half a minute further back.
  minute movement 0.39   This requires that even the most minute movement of the mirrors be eradicated.
  minute fluctuation 0.33   GFCIs are extremely sensitive to minute fluctuations in power.
  minute fraction 0.33   But those objects represent only a minute fraction of the missing matter.
  minute crack 0.26   Engineers are studying the most minute cracks in the World Trade Center wreckage in a quest to guarantee that no more skyscrapers will collapse.
  minute gap 0.26   Although opening up a minute gap with Australian rider Neil Stephens on the descent, the world champion was caught and overtaken.
  minute information 0.26   Boucher said he did not have up-to-the minute information on the negotiations over the documents.
  minute part 0.26   And it was always in regards to the minute parts of the game.
  minute past 0.26   No, a minute past midnight on the second.
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