mimic effect 1.38   Nicotine mimics the effects of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.
  mimic movement 0.92   He flashed a hand low, mimicking the movement of catcher Joe Girardi.
  mimic way 0.86   Business simulations mimic the way real businesses operate.
  mimic action 0.79   On stage, two dancers mimic her actions or offer mild movement counterpoints.
  mimic performance 0.79   Both funds closely mimic the performance of the index.
  mimic behavior 0.66   The robots can be programmed to mimic the behavior of dogs, cats or humans.
  mimic hormone 0.66   And it mimics hormones, which can lead to birth defects.
  mimic index 0.59   In frustration, many are flocking to funds that mimic the index.
  mimic sound 0.59   He laughs, mimicking the sound of a cheap keyboard.
  mimic style 0.53   Even the trash cans are painted to mimic the style.
  mimic condition 0.46   To force a bulb means to mimic the conditions of nature just enough to fool the poor thing into blooming early.
  mimic motion 0.39   His hands moved, as he mimicked the motion of a swing.
  mimic move 0.39   Rivaldo mimicked the move a minute later.
  mimic estrogen 0.33   But certain synthetic chemicals, including organochlorines, mimic estrogens.
  mimic life 0.33   At this age, fantasy often mimics real life.
  mimic symptom 0.33   Heartburn, with its intense and sudden chest pain, can also mimic the symptoms of a heart attack.
  mimic aspect 0.26   But several terrestrial regions of Earth mimic aspects of Mars.
  mimic disease 0.26   Three other researchers will be honored for finding a way to mimic human diseases in mice as a tool for research.
  mimic look 0.26   Another popular style of vinyl siding mimics the look of cedar shingles.
  mimic strategy 0.26   His expansion plan for Latin America aims to mimic the strategy which has delivered success in Mexico.
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