microwave radiation 2.63   High levels of microwave radiation are known to be dangerous.
  microwave popcorn 1.78   Just like with microwave popcorn, listen.
  microwave tower 0.99   The skyline of Johannesburg is dominated by two microwave towers.
  microwave technology 0.86   Columns A new microwave technology may help to deliver clear images of body organs.
  microwave background 0.72   The ripples in the microwave background had been predicted.
  microwave dish 0.72   Spread in single layer in microwave dish.
  microwave energy 0.72   A new type of long-life lighting uses microwave energy.
  microwave signal 0.66   If the call is being made to another cell phone user, the MTSO contacts the other cell phone using microwave signals.
  microwave network 0.59   The Vietnam Postal Service inaugurated the microwave network Tuesday.
  microwave frequency 0.53   ...an oscillating signal of microwave frequency.
  microwave link 0.53   GPS devices use microwave links to satellites to give the users latitude and longitude.
  microwave system 0.46   UTAM relocates microwave systems that block unlicensed frequencies needed for wireless networks.
  microwave beam 0.39   A microwave beam penetrates the skin, causing water molecules to vibrate.
  microwave transmission 0.39   That was abandoned because it could obliterate microwave transmissions.
  microwave antenna 0.33   Communications go through two blast-hardened microwave antennas and two underground coaxial cables.
  microwave emission 0.33   Microwave emissions of unusual intensity have been detected from four relatively close-by stars that resemble the Sun.
  microwave transmitter 0.33   But those tended to be niche industrial users, such as microwave transmitters.
  microwave dinner 0.26   He eats microwave dinners.
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