methane gas 7.44   Methane gas.
  methane explosion 1.38   Navarro said there also was an unconfirmed report that a methane gas explosion triggered the collapse.
  methane emission 0.39   Animal nutritionists and pasture scientists want to find out what affects methane gas emission in sheep.
  methane fire 0.39   The spate of blazes are fueled by an underground methane fire.
  methane hydrate 0.39   The methane within Blake ridge is contained in tiny bubbles and as a solid called methane hydrate.
  methane level 0.39   Operations at the mine had been suspended last year because of high methane levels.
  methane production 0.39   Methane production is altered by rainwater, heat and other factors.
  methane concentration 0.33   It was noted that breath methane concentrations were generally higher in non-responders than in responders.
  methane blast 0.26   A methane blast ripped through a coal mine in Siberia, killing three workers, a news report said Monday.
  methane ice 0.26   The Cancri disk may contain methane ice, which is found among objects in the Kuiper belt.
  methane molecule 0.26   In each methane molecule there are four CH bonds.
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