metabolic rate 3.75   Fish normally have a high metabolic rate.
  metabolic disorder 1.71   A metabolic disorder?
  metabolic disease 0.86   Did she have a rare metabolic disease?
  metabolic activity 0.66   Throughout the experiment, Clegg detected no metabolic activity at all.
  metabolic acidosis 0.59   Use of diuretics that increase the urinary excretion of bicarbonate can cause metabolic acidosis.
  metabolic process 0.53   Buffer base reflects metabolic processes which influence acid-base balance.
  metabolic alkalosis 0.46   This indicates the presence of a metabolic alkalosis.
  metabolic product 0.33   They produce metabolic products that may be lethal to modern bacteria.
  metabolic state 0.33   This, he said, is the metabolic state in which the body works at peak efficiency.
  metabolic system 0.33   His cardiovascular, hormone, muscle, bone and metabolic systems will be checked for the effects of space.
  metabolic pathway 0.26   Even a simple bacterium like E. coli is a jungle of interconnected metabolic pathways.
  metabolic problem 0.26   Even after that, doctors said, dangers remain from infections or metabolic problems.
  metabolic syndrome 0.26   Metabolic syndrome greatly increases the risk of diabetes, heart attacks and stroke.
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