merge operation 4.61   But talks on merging operations went nowhere.
  merge company 3.36   Three other companies will be merged.
  merge bank 1.51   Shipley had better be better at merging banks than analogies.
  merge two 1.18   You merged the two.
  merge business 1.12   The businesses will be merged to form a new business owned half each by Brierley and Bollore.
  merge fund 1.05   Will he merge this fund into one of its siblings?
  merge ministry 0.92   He is also expected to merge the ministries of the navy, army and air force.
  merge unit 0.86   It said problems developed when the new units were merged.
  merge force 0.66   The PBA would stand to gain members if the forces were merged.
  merge part 0.66   Warp evidently merged part of a DOS file into one of its own.
  merge office 0.46   Sales offices will be merged throughout the world next year, Reutlinger said.
  merge agency 0.39   Boris Yeltsin appoints new security chief, merges security agencies.
  merge asset 0.39   The two companies merged their assets, and kept the EarthLink name.
  merge department 0.39   Merging these departments will create economies of scale.
  merge district 0.39   Woods decided to merge the district with two predominantly white neighboring districts.
  merge hospital 0.39   Perhaps the only viable solution is to merge the hospitals.
  merge subsidiary 0.39   The company plans to merge its subsidiaries in the US.
  merge war 0.39   It could also merge the war in Bosnia with the simmering Serb-Croat conflict in Croatia.
  merge activity 0.33   The two companies merged these activities in January.
  merge army 0.33   The two sides have failed to merge their armies or to implement other joint arrangements.
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