memory be 47.53   The memory is very bad.
  memory come 3.75   The memory comes in color.
  memory fade 3.16   His memory faded.
  memory remain 3.16   Those memories remain.
  memory linger 2.44   The memories linger.
  memory make 2.24   Too few memories made.
  memory serve 2.17   Their memory served them well.
  memory haunt 1.65   And she is haunted by memories of her sister.
  memory seem 1.38   The memories do not seem bitter.
  memory have 1.32   Each hard memory has only so many bits.
  memory go 1.12   Her memory went.
  memory begin 0.99   The painful memory began to dim.
  memory fail 0.86   His memory was failing him.
  memory play 0.86   Memories play tricks.
  memory bring 0.79   The memories bring smiles.
  memory return 0.79   At times the memories returned to torment her.
  memory work 0.79   Memory works in strange ways.
  memory get 0.72   My memory gets very vague here.
  memory become 0.59   His memory has become patchy.
  memory improve 0.59   He is alert and his memory is improving, the hospital said.
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