meet record 1.38   He set the meet record last year.
  meet director 1.18   Jackie Delapierre, the meet director, said no.
  meet official 0.99   Meet officials, seeking marquee value, went along.
  meet promoter 0.59   This is why meet promoters love him.
  meet organizer 0.39   Then the meet organizers refused to let his scores count.
  meet demand 0.33   The Americans and the British contend that Milosevic has failed to meet U.N. demands to withdraw troops from Kosovo.
  meet leader 0.33   The group was also to visit a temple, a bridge and meet local leaders.
  meet format 0.26   Under the dual meet format, individual races offer five points for a win, three for second and one for third.
  meet referee 0.26   The meet referee ruled otherwise.
  meet standard 0.26   The Senate bill would require that attorneys be appointed within one week and meet minimum statewide standards yet to be developed.
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