mechanical problem 31.34   Mechanical problems?
  mechanical failure 24.75   Mechanical failure?
  mechanical malfunction 3.95   Mechanical malfunction?
  mechanical device 3.49   Hard disks are mechanical devices.
  mechanical trouble 3.09   Cause of the crash was listed as mechanical trouble.
  mechanical system 2.96   Mechanical systems become obsolete.
  mechanical arm 2.70   The mechanical arms are manipulated by a computer.
  mechanical part 1.91   A car is far more than the sum of its mechanical parts.
  mechanical heart 1.84   It is considered a technological leap from earlier mechanical hearts.
  mechanical breakdown 1.65   It is a mechanical breakdown.
  mechanical digger 1.65   ...a mechanical digger.
  mechanical fault 1.58   Driver error, or mechanical fault?
  mechanical difficulty 1.38   It immediately ran into mechanical difficulties.
  mechanical design 1.12   The company makes software for automating mechanical design.
  mechanical equipment 1.05   Asbestos, rubble and obsolete mechanical equipment were taken out.
  mechanical defect 0.99   Others include mechanical defects and driver fatigue.
  mechanical adjustment 0.86   Other mechanical adjustments were required.
  mechanical energy 0.86   Their natural movement would push the disc around, turning a shaft and generating mechanical energy.
  mechanical flaw 0.86   His mechanical flaw may have been corrected.
  mechanical process 0.86   He was never interested in mechanical process or lack of emotion.
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