meat be 26.79   The meat was stringy.
  meat have 2.37   Where the meat has to go?
  meat come 1.65   The meat came from Nebraska.
  meat become 1.12   Mink meat becomes pet food.
  meat cook 0.86   It should stay in while the meat cooks.
  meat begin 0.66   When the meat began to be distributed, the road turned into a zoo.
  meat cause 0.53   Soaking meat will cause it to exude fluids that can transfer bacteria to the marinade.
  meat make 0.53   He attributed the drop partly to fears that infected meat is making its way to supermarkets.
  meat carry 0.46   All meat must now carry a label of origin.
  meat reach 0.46   Critics said the plan would allow contaminated meat to reach schools.
  meat taste 0.46   This meat tastes peculiar.
  meat go 0.39   Do you think this meat has gone off?
  meat remain 0.39   Leg meat should remain moist and just pull away from the bone.
  meat smell 0.39   That meat smells a bit iffy to me.
  meat arrive 0.33   The meat arrived cold.
  meat contain 0.33   By its very nature, raw meat will contain some bacteria.
  meat fall 0.33   The meat should be falling off the bones.
  meat give 0.33   Medium meat will give a little.
  meat look 0.33   Meat looks gray.
  meat lose 0.33   Simmer until meat loses red color.
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