mayor say 39.83   Not at all, the mayor says.
  mayor be 25.94   Is the mayor all right?
  mayor have 13.96   Our mayor has a hat.
  mayor want 4.67   The mayor wants Kiley.
  mayor make 4.41   Even the mayor made that point.
  mayor take 2.90   The mayor took me on a tour.
  mayor announce 2.50   The mayor will announce the bad news at noon.
  mayor call 2.17   The mayor is calling for sportsmanship.
  mayor go 2.17   Every year the mayors go.
  mayor try 2.17   The mayors might as well try.
  mayor ask 2.11   The mayor asked Silver for support for another term.
  mayor do 2.04   The mayor does.
  mayor appoint 1.97   The mayor should appoint the members.
  mayor insist 1.84   The mayor insisted he is innocent.
  mayor appear 1.78   Generally, the mayors appeared pleased with the process.
  mayor tell 1.78   The six-term mayor told him to mind his own business.
  mayor get 1.71   This mayor will never get it.
  mayor argue 1.65   The mayor has long argued that police can best investigate police.
  mayor come 1.65   Mayors come and go.
  mayor plan 1.65   Keeley also said the mayor plans to play a role.
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