matter be 84.33   The matter was speedily resolved.
  matter come 5.73   Then came the matter of space.
  matter go 5.07   The matter went to court.
  matter become 3.03   Some say the matter is becoming a national issue.
  matter get 2.83   Matters got ugly.
  matter have 2.83   That matter has yet to be resolved.
  matter remain 2.57   The matter remains unresolved.
  matter stand 2.11   There matters stand.
  matter end 1.97   The matter ended there.
  matter rest 1.78   Here the matter rests.
  matter need 1.38   The matter needs to be clarified.
  matter take 1.38   Matters took an unexpected turn.
  matter pend 1.32   Both matters were pending.
  matter seem 1.32   It makes distant matters seem very present.
  matter court 1.12   Both sides have taken the matter to court.
  matter turn 1.05   Matters mostly turned out otherwise.
  matter close 0.99   The Prime Minister is said to now consider the matter closed.
  matter improve 0.99   Have matters improved?
  matter do 0.92   Does this matter?
  matter fall 0.92   Instead, matters quickly fell apart.
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