malicious intent 2.04   Police suspect malicious intent.
  malicious prosecution 1.38   Now Edelstein is suing Moore, alleging malicious prosecution.
  malicious damage 1.25   The six were being charged for malicious damage.
  malicious code 0.79   The malicious code, in this case, translates into viruses and worms.
  malicious falsehood 0.66   He described the allegations as malicious falsehoods.
  malicious gossip 0.66   The programs are full of malicious gossip.
  malicious rumor 0.66   The country has been rocked by a series of malicious rumors in the past few weeks.
  malicious program 0.59   Clicking on the attachment will launch the malicious program.
  malicious destruction 0.53   Klemm was charged with malicious destruction of property.
  malicious hacker 0.53   Users often think that they have nothing in their accounts that a malicious hacker would want to see.
  malicious lie 0.39   Flynn called the allegation a malicious lie.
  malicious software 0.39   These may contain viruses or other malicious software.
  malicious act 0.33   Krug said the incident was an administrative error, not a malicious act.
  malicious glee 0.33   What really gets me is the tone of malicious glee.
  malicious intention 0.33   Their attorneys say the couple had no malicious intentions.
  malicious interference 0.33   Was there malicious interference with a parent-child relationship?
  malicious rumour 0.33   Who is responsible for these malicious rumours?
  malicious slander 0.26   Hankook filed a libel suit against Choi, accusing him of malicious slander.
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