make available to 59.12   A copy was made available to the Star-Telegram.
  make available for 20.74   Blades was not made available for comment.
  make available in 6.25   Copies were made available in Washington.
  make available by 5.92   Poison, suicide advice made available by email.
  make available on 4.48   The interview was made available on Wednesday.
  make available at 2.83   They plan to make it available at some point on a website.
  make available through 2.17   The other half will be made available through a capital increase.
  make available over 1.38   Reading materials can be made available over the Web.
  make available as 0.99   They also make themselves available as needed.
  make available from 0.66   AOL Anywhere makes AOL available from wireless and other mobile devices.
  make available after 0.59   The subsidy should be made available after registration.
  make available via 0.59   Five photos are being made available via the NYTimes News Service.
  make available without 0.39   Each PGP user has a public key, which is made available without any attempt at hiding it.
  make available under 0.33   Termination of pregnancies was made available under the National Health Services.
  make available with 0.33   But military technology, made available with the end of the Cold War, is speeding the system.
  make available within 0.33   Chiron, based in Emeryville, Calif., said it could make Vitrasert available within days.
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