majority vote 28.90   A majority vote is required.
  majority stake 28.77   It also owns a majority stake in QVC.
  majority opinion 11.32   Kennedy wrote the majority opinion.
  majority owner 10.27   Majority owner Ross Perot Jr.?
  majority party 10.14   The majority party in Congress sets the rules.
  majority support 9.74   The union needed majority support to win.
  majority shareholder 8.89   The government is majority shareholder.
  majority whip 8.10   Rep. Tom Delay, R-Texas, majority whip.
  majority population 7.37   Three UT schools have majority Hispanic populations.
  majority rule 6.78   Majority rules.
  majority control 6.12   Genzyme still retains majority control.
  majority community 5.60   The negative image is in the majority community.
  majority decision 4.94   Still, Martin was awarded a majority decision.
  majority interest 4.87   We have to think of the majority interests.
  majority group 4.67   Mohajirs are the majority ethnic group in Karachi.
  majority share 4.21   Sikap would, however, hold the majority share.
  majority ownership 4.02   Majority ownership, he said, would be permitted.
  majority province 3.42   Arakan was the sole Moslem majority province in Myanma.
  majority government 3.23   We need a majority government.
  majority state 3.16   Kashmir is the only Muslim majority state in India.
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