luncheon meeting 3.23   The executive luncheon meeting is slated for noon.
  luncheon speech 2.17   Vice President Al Gore is scheduled to deliver a luncheon speech.
  luncheon address 0.99   The luncheon address was not open to the press, but Rodriguez gave an interview afterward.
  luncheon guest 0.53   The two, surrounded by luncheon guests, spoke for several minutes.
  luncheon table 0.46   Saddam Hussein would like to have been at the luncheon table.
  luncheon club 0.39   Pensioners can attend a luncheon club, children can learn music, and gardeners swap hints.
  luncheon buffet 0.33   We were then informed that President Truman was coming in for our luncheon buffet.
  luncheon dish 0.33   Sometimes it was a luncheon dish.
  luncheon event 0.33   Clinton asked the crowd at a luncheon event.
  luncheon speaker 0.33   Boeing Chairman Phil Condit was luncheon speaker.
  luncheon banquet 0.26   It will be served Wednesday at a luncheon banquet attended by EU commissioners.
  luncheon crowd 0.26   She drew laughter from the luncheon crowd in Olympia by comparing the breakdown to a male ego problem.
  luncheon gathering 0.26   I recall the first time I touched on Internet travel sites during a luncheon gathering with a group of readers.
  luncheon interview 0.26   Schumer would not criticize Ferraro during the luncheon interview.
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