lunar calendar 4.02   The Islamic year is based on the lunar calendar.
  lunar surface 2.63   What if you, too, dream of teeing off on the lunar surface?
  lunar eclipse 1.58   ...the total lunar eclipse.
  lunar holiday 1.58   Moonbeams try to book lunar holiday!
  lunar landscape 1.51   Outside, a lunar landscape sheds a ghastly radiance.
  lunar landing 1.05   Documents events leading up to the first lunar landing.
  lunar base 0.92   Nor is a permanent lunar base.
  lunar cycle 0.86   Must be some sort of lunar cycle.
  lunar material 0.72   The Earth then captures lunar material.
  lunar rock 0.72   Lunar rock samples contained no hint of water.
  lunar lander 0.66   The lunar lander will break.
  lunar soil 0.66   Some scientists believe Prospec tor detected signs of water frozen in the lunar soil.
  lunar crater 0.59   Spacecraft set to crash into lunar crater that may contain frozen water.
  lunar orbit 0.59   A few days later, it will enter lunar orbit.
  lunar pole 0.53   Some water vapor may have migrated to the lunar poles and frozen there.
  lunar mission 0.46   Further, no nation on Earth presently has the ability to launch manned lunar missions.
  lunar water 0.46   Hydrogen extracted from lunar water could be used as rocket fuel.
  lunar exploration 0.39   A look at lunar exploration highlights over the decade.
  lunar gravity 0.39   The balls sailed in the low lunar gravity.
  lunar celebration 0.33   Lunar New Year celebrations in southeast China were unusual this year.
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