lover be 6.45   The new lover is Doru.
  lover have 3.09   Still, a book lover has to eat.
  lover know 1.18   Wonder Bread lovers know to read no further.
  lover find 0.99   And orchid lovers will find the area a paradise.
  lover say 0.99   Fashion lovers said goodbye to Gianni Versace.
  lover go 0.92   Romanian lovers have gone lunatic.
  lover want 0.72   Wine lovers want room to swirl.
  lover die 0.66   His lover died of AIDS.
  lover hope 0.66   Bluegrass lovers hope this shift will bring the music some well-deserved attention.
  lover come 0.59   But will theme-park lovers come to this museum?
  lover spend 0.46   Its two lovers only spend a night together, and may or may not have had sex.
  lover try 0.46   Ice cream lovers will try almost anything once.
  lover buy 0.39   Candy lovers could buy Oh Henry!
  lover enjoy 0.39   The flavor many American chardonnay lovers enjoy is oak.
  lover look 0.39   In Detroit, music lovers will be looking to the future instead of the past.
  lover make 0.39   Will theater lovers make the crossover?
  lover turn 0.39   Lovers turn into animals who are doing penance for past sins.
  lover appreciate 0.33   He expects wine lovers to appreciate his approach.
  lover feel 0.33   The fern lovers could feel another expedition coming on.
  lover get 0.33   The former lovers eventually got to see a judge near the end of the afternoon.
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