lively debate 6.58   A lively debate is expected.
  lively discussion 2.70   Big names, lively discussion.
  lively interest 1.18   The event has created lively interest.
  lively place 1.18   Kibera is a lively place.
  lively conversation 1.12   And besides, a lively conversation helps settle the stomach.
  lively trade 0.92   But more than lively trade buttresses the Taliban.
  lively music 0.79   Listen to lively music.
  lively eye 0.72   Her lively eyes dart about the room.
  lively mind 0.66   This is a lively musical mind.
  lively entertainment 0.59   In addition, there will be lively entertainment by strolling musicians.
  lively exchange 0.59   A lively exchange took place.
  lively imagination 0.59   ...her very lively imagination.
  lively performance 0.59   Warshofsky gives a wonderfully lively performance.
  lively scene 0.59   In the evening, it was a lively scene.
  lively group 0.53   It was a lively group.
  lively personality 0.53   Her lively personality won her many admirers.
  lively art 0.46   The lively arts held up their end with ease.
  lively dance 0.46   The album is a mix of lively Latin dance tunes and emotional ballads.
  lively dialogue 0.46   The lively dialogue and good performances save the film.
  lively pace 0.46   Maintain heat at a lively pace.
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