lion be 3.82   There are few lions.
  lion have 0.99   The lion had a hard life.
  lion kill 0.79   He said he watched the lion kill Muyomo and devour his flesh.
  lion roar 0.79   The lion has roared.
  lion eat 0.66   Sometimes lions even eat animals as big as hippopotamuses!
  lion attack 0.59   The lion attacked and killed the intruder.
  lion come 0.46   Lions came to be associated with royalty.
  lion sleep 0.33   The lion sleeps tonight.
  lion die 0.26   And when the lion dies he becomes the grass in a round-about way.
  lion do 0.26   During the seconds that followed, Tyson stared at Seldon the way a lion does a zebra.
  lion guard 0.26   No lions guard the door.
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