likely to 76.56   This is likely to change.
  likely than 40.29   A restructuring seems more likely than any buyout.
  likely in 27.06   Alan was likely in for a treat?
  likely as 14.02   It seemed as likely as anything else around here.
  likely for 5.27   Alan was likely in for a treat?
  likely on 4.15   A fourth round is likely on Tuesday.
  likely from 3.75   But resistance is likely from the host region.
  likely with 3.49   But that grew less likely with each day.
  likely by 2.76   Passage is likely by mid-March.
  likely over 2.57   His Clippers career is likely over.
  likely until 2.50   Fisher is likely out until late November.
  likely at 2.37   Snow was likely at higher elevations.
  likely before 1.97   Results not likely before Monday.
  likely across 1.78   Comparable amounts are likely across extreme southern Texas.
  likely after 1.58   A party congress is likely after the second round.
  likely out 1.58   He is likely out for the season.
  likely near 1.32   Showers are most likely near the Canadian border.
  likely within 1.32   A decision is likely within days of the hearing.
  likely of 1.25   That, however, is the least likely of them all.
  likely among 1.05   Analysts said more mergers are likely among oil drillers.
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