libyan leader 45.16   The Libyan leader is too complex for that.
  libyan television 8.43   Libyan television broadcast a similar remark.
  libyan official 7.18   The Libyan official did not elaborate.
  libyan government 6.91   The Libyan government has not commented on the offer.
  libyan capital 6.25   The airline has never flown to the Libyan capital before.
  libyan intelligence 4.81   The JSO is the Libyan intelligence service.
  libyan authority 4.21   And the Libyan authorities are blowing hot and cold.
  libyan pilgrim 3.03   Egypt then transported the rest of the Libyan pilgrims.
  libyan plane 2.70   There was no word on when the Libyan plane would return.
  libyan suspect 2.50   Mandela wants neutral venue for Libyan suspects.
  libyan oil 1.84   He succeeds Libyan oil minister Abdalla Salem el-Badri.
  libyan asset 1.71   Some Libyan assets abroad have been frozen.
  libyan border 1.71   They spoke to reporters in the Egyptian town of Marsa Matrouh, near the Libyan border.
  libyan aircraft 1.45   It was unclear if the Libyan aircraft would be impounded.
  libyan diplomat 1.45   Several nations evict some Libyan diplomats.
  libyan opposition 1.38   Libyan opposition group claims it attacked Gadhafi.
  libyan jet 1.32   The Libyan jet flew without United Nations authorization.
  libyan city 1.18   The report did not indicate in which Libyan city the meeting took place.
  libyan delegation 1.18   A Libyan delegation visited Baghdad recently to express solidarity with the Iraqis.
  libyan radio 1.18   But Libyan state radio denied any such accord.
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