lewd conduct 3.23   The lewd conduct charges were dropped.
  lewd act 1.32   But the lewd acts described in the suit?
  lewd behavior 1.25   There is a great deal of nudity and lewd behavior.
  lewd comment 1.25   ...a slob who eyes up the women and makes lewd comments.
  lewd gesture 0.66   -- Woody makes lewd gestures with his tongue.
  lewd remark 0.53   He made lewd remarks to the woman at the bar.
  lewd picture 0.46   She and her husband have been posting lewd pictures of Megan for the better part of a year.
  lewd language 0.33   The factory floor has never been an easy place for women, and the auto industry is rife with complaints about lewd language and harassing behavior.
  lewd image 0.26   Despite the pornography law, lewd images are quite common in Japan.
  lewd joke 0.26   News of these tactics traveled faster than a lewd joke on the Internet.
  lewd message 0.26   People have been known to receive lewd messages and threats by text.
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