lengthen life 1.45   Looking to lengthen your life by years?
  lengthen sentence 1.12   It would lengthen sentences for first-time violent felons, and eliminate their right to parole.
  lengthen course 0.99   As you get more powerful, lengthen the course and add repetitions.
  lengthen stride 0.86   He lengthened his stride to keep up with her.
  lengthen time 0.86   If the interaction time could be lengthened.
  lengthen hour 0.46   A Kentucky measure would lengthen polling hours.
  lengthen term 0.46   Prison terms were lengthened, with no provisions for more prisons.
  lengthen maturity 0.39   The company is now working to reduce its debt burden and lengthen the maturity, Frattini said.
  lengthen telomere 0.39   But human cells have a gene whose product, called telomerase, can lengthen telomeres.
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  lengthen spine 0.33   This movement lengthens your spine and tones the spinal nerves.
  lengthen amount 0.26   Typically, they further complicate their injuries and lengthen the amount of time it takes to heal.
  lengthen lead 0.26   Since then, Reuters has lengthened its lead.
  lengthen leg 0.26   I could not lengthen my legs.
  lengthen process 0.26   The official added that lack of courtroom space also has lengthened the process.
  lengthen rally 0.26   ITF approves experiment with larger balls to lengthen rallies,
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