leaf be 20.41   A leaf could be a stone.
  leaf turn 4.54   The leaves turn.
  leaf have 3.36   Leaf has two.
  leaf fall 3.09   Call me when the leaves fall.
  leaf begin 2.37   The leaves began to swirl around.
  leaf open 1.58   This leaves open the possibility of international sanctions against it, India insisted.
  leaf start 1.58   The leaves started to shrivel up.
  leaf say 1.51   Those budless leaves said no.
  leaf look 1.25   The leaves look very dry.
  leaf change 1.05   Leaves change colors.
  leaf grow 0.99   Leaves will grow out of the top.
  leaf appear 0.86   True leaves will appear shortly after planting.
  leaf become 0.86   Otherwise, the leaves become tough and bitter.
  leaf make 0.79   Fall leaves make money.
  leaf go 0.72   Leaves go insane.
  leaf drop 0.66   The beautiful leaves drop.
  leaf come 0.59   The flowers come on before the leaves come on.
  leaf get 0.59   Squash leaves get a whitis coating, called powdery mildew.
  leaf rustle 0.59   The leaves rustled in the wind.
  leaf curl 0.53   Rhododendron leaves curled tight,
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