lax security 8.69   Case of lax security or safety abound.
  lax enforcement 6.19   Lax enforcement of House rules.
  lax safety 3.36   Chinese mines are notorious for lax safety.
  lax regulation 2.04   Critics have long charged that lax regulation costs lives.
  lax standard 1.97   ...a damning picture of lax banking standards and unheeded warnings.
  lax law 1.84   Osuede complained that lax laws encouraged the trade.
  lax oversight 1.78   Lax oversight led to embezzlement and bad loans.
  lax control 1.65   But lax controls in state government?
  lax attitude 1.45   Israeli official says evidence shows lax attitude by Palestinian authorities toward terrorists.
  lax supervision 1.38   With supervision lax, some residents easily take advantage of others.
  lax management 1.25   Lax management controls?
  lax policy 1.18   One country running a lax fiscal policy is one thing.
  lax rule 1.12   Companies from both east and west have benefited from the lax rules.
  lax border 0.86   It is a lax border.
  lax discipline 0.66   On the face of it, the West Indian, back after rebelling against the lax discipline in the West Indian team, holds all the aces.
  lax procedure 0.66   They blamed budget cuts for lax procedures.
  lax credit 0.33   For over two years the Fed all but ignored the explosion in share prices and lax credit conditions.
  lax government 0.33   Pittle believes the confusion lies with lax government testing guidelines.
  lax immigration 0.33   Italy has become a gateway for illegal immigrants because of its porous southern coast and relatively lax immigration laws.
  lax tax 0.33   It criticised lax tax collection, excessive budget expenditure and a poor performance by unspecified government members.
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