lawyer say 237.20   And lawyers say such women are not in short supply.
  lawyer be 47.33   But some lawyers are skeptical.
  lawyer argue 34.56   His lawyer argued this proved the jeans were not his.
  lawyer have 18.30   Lawyers have standards.
  lawyer ask 16.52   Her lawyers may ask for such a thing.
  lawyer tell 12.18   But lawyers told them not to talk.
  lawyer file 10.47   Lawyers file the suits.
  lawyer try 9.15   The lawyer tries again.
  lawyer represent 9.08   No lawyer will represent him.
  lawyer contend 8.56   His lawyers contend he suffers from sexual sadism.
  lawyer seek 7.77   His lawyer is seeking a delay.
  lawyer claim 7.04   Her lawyer claims it was a mercy killing.
  lawyer make 6.91   My lawyers made me say that, too.
  lawyer do 6.06   But lawyers do.
  lawyer appeal 5.40   They need a lawyer to appeal.
  lawyer decline 5.33   His lawyers declined comment.
  lawyer take 5.27   The lawyers have taken over.
  lawyer want 5.00   And the lawyers want to litigate.
  lawyer call 4.87   His lawyer called him Michelle.
  lawyer agree 4.74   Her lawyer agrees.
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