jumping ability 1.32   Above average jumping ability.
  jumping event 1.12   Tallus won the jumping event but finished third overall.
  jumping ship 1.05   Was he thinking about jumping ship?
  jumping rope 0.59   For some, jumping rope is performing.
  jumping bail 0.46   Jumping bail is a serious offence in Canada.
  jumping spider 0.46   Jumping spiders have two big eyes in the center of their faces.
  jumping contest 0.33   So if the Olympics become more of a jumping contest, Kwan could be at a disadvantage.
  jumping team 0.33   Kirchhoff has been a member of the German national jumping team for one year.
  jumping career 0.26   Hollywood heartthrob Alec Baldwin is jumping career tracks.
  jumping frog 0.26   Remember the famous jumping frog contest in Calaveras County?
  jumping portion 0.26   Stecher, who won the jumping portion of the event, lost the seven-second lead he had over Gottwald entering the sprint.
  jumping skill 0.26   His jumping skills also had improved dramatically.
  jumping technique 0.26   Red Rum was known for his jumping technique and his endurance.
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