journal be 3.03   His journal is instructive.
  journal publish 1.71   The journal published a rebuttal two weeks after its attack.
  journal say 1.45   Leukemia is curable, the medical journals say.
  journal report 1.32   The journal Science also reported their findings.
  journal have 0.66   In its own way, the journal has high standards.
  journal carry 0.33   The journal did not carry a single ad for beta blockers or diuretics that year.
  journal contain 0.33   The journal contained classified information.
  journal reject 0.33   The journal rejects the overwhelming majority of manuscripts submitted to it.
  journal take 0.33   This journal takes you into the world on the other side of the bar.
  journal add 0.26   The player had kept the events to himself, the journal added, to protect Toledo.
  journal allow 0.26   Most print medical journals allow peer reviewers to remain anonymous.
  journal become 0.26   The journal became a book.
  journal call 0.26   Journal calls for end to its use.
  journal use 0.26   Librarians there have even taken away the racks on a wall where journals used to be placed.
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