jersey dress 3.42   One long black button-down jersey dress from J. Crew.
  jersey number 2.11   A changed jersey number.
  jersey skirt 0.72   Note the hooded cassock coat, and practical, short, jersey skirts.
  jersey top 0.59   Sheila had come to dinner in a black jersey top.
  jersey gown 0.46   Douglas Hannant showed a matte jersey gown with a leather bodice.
  jersey shirt 0.39   In her arms were Calvin Klein jersey shirts.
  jersey knit 0.33   Recently, Beene has been working with jersey knits.
  jersey pant 0.33   Brown lace mesh djellabas washed over languid brown jersey pants.
  jersey wearer 0.33   The Tour tests the stage winner and yellow jersey wearer every day.
  jersey holder 0.26   Laurent Desbiens, another former yellow jersey holder earlier in the Tour, was sixth.
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